Thursday 24th March 2022

We’re excited to bring you details of the following Webinar, hosted by our friends at Quill on 24th March 2022 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm:

Are you considering starting your own law firm?   Hear from three successful women who’ve gone on to ‘do it alone’ and launch their law firm start-up successfully, and the lessons they learned from their first year. A great opportunity to hear some thoughtful insights. Free to attend, but registration is required:,spyPCG76mUuFhFeBYo02Qg,MCYUmCs_TkqdLSMR1W0Qvw,AYCfTgt2cEiLH1NeLfcubw,om652h__9UmVw3JkmtlJ2w,4rWZraiT5Ui4wOhlchWHQQ?mode=read&tenantId=17ea6d7c-6380-4ac4-8b16-34c830477a55


Amy Roberts-Sole practitioner at Trafalgar Fiduciary

Eve Lake-Founding Director at Eve Lake Conveyancing

Rachael Gent-Managing Director at Gent Law

Julian Bryan -Managing Director at Quill